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   He was born in Veracruz in 1982. He has a degree in Plastic Arts with a specialty in painting from the Universidad Veracruzana. He has had 8 individual exhibitions and has participated in more than 30 group exhibitions inside and outside the country.

   Currently he works as a teacher in the Visual Arts degree at the Chiapas University of Sciences and Arts (UNICACH) where he studies the Practical Master and Contemporary Thought in agreement with the Polytechnic of Valencia.

   Committed to teaching and his students, he insists on the urgency that art be a subject from preschool, that includes the culture of native peoples and allows them to develop it through crafts. Respect for a tradition that is fostered with a horizontal and inclusive education.





  • 2008-09 and 2015: FONCA Young Creators Fellow in the discipline of Painting.

  • 2012: He was benefited from the Program of Incentives for the Creation and Artistic Development of Chiapas (PECDA).

  • 2008: participated as a guest artist in the event “Celebrating Afro-American & Latino Communities, at Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan, USA.
    2007: Participated in a residency in Graphic Production (screen printing) in the Project Series of the Coronado Studio in Austin, Texas, USA

  • 2007: Obtained acquisition award at the 5th Biennial of Painting and Sculpture of the Southeast (based at the Jaime Sabines Cultural Center, Tuxtla Gutiérrez Chiapas).

  • 2005 and 2007: He was benefited from the program of Stimuli for the Development and Artistic Creation of the State Fund of Veracruz emission (category "Creators", specialty Painting).

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